Between living in Madison, Oshkosh, and then in Indianapolis I have been in the outdoor industry since 2001 working in multiple quality outdoor gear shops for the last seven years. I got my start at Erehwon in Madison WI and since then I have also worked at Fontana which is also in Madison, Mountain Bay in Appleton WI, and The Extreme Outfitters in Carmel IN. Through this time I have met a lot of awesome people and have been to a lot of great places doing what I love.
I have many outdoor interests from sea kayaking every summer in Gitchigumi, tele skiing in Big Snow Country, Fly Fishing Wisconsin waters, to ice and rock climbing across the continent. Through all of this I managed to Become WFR certified and an AMGA top rope cite manager. I have also written an ice climbing guidebook to a Michigan classic area located within the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. I would have to say that ice climbing is what I am most passionate about. I started ice climbing in 2001 on a trip up to a local quarry in Wisconsin with a few people that I worked with at Erewhon, I was hooked for life. If I remember correctly I bought tools the very next day! This experience changed my life, as this is when I fell in love with climbing and started to fill up the odometer on my car with climbing trips, and I haven’t looked back since.
Although I love to travel to the mountains for new adventures, I am a Midwestern kid at heart, always was and always will be. So If you ever want to hang out on the side of a cliff, drink a fine single malt 16 year old Scotch and have a good time, I’ll be there waiting for you to arrive.