represent. While doing so I came across a wonderfully prominent PreCip
display near the back of the clothing department. I thought to myself "WOW
now if that doesn't help to sell product, then I'm not quite sure what
usually the case there at JAX-and got to talk about the great attributes of
Marmot's entire line of PreCip product. From Angel Wing Movement, to Pack
friendly Pocket placements the super light weight waterproof breathable
garments that make up the PreCip line are second to none. Apparently Holly
Aronson and her staff feel that way too with the kind of positioning we were
fortunate enough to have at JAX. And no, it wasn't just there for my
Thanks again to Holly and JAX for supporting AAO and the Marmot
line. I hope that all are having a great Spring Season!! Keep on Livin The
Dream!! B Block